Fletro Pro V6.0 Responsive Blogger Template

Fletro Pro V6.0 Responsive Blogger Template

 If you are searching for Fletro Pro v6.0 Blogger Template, Fletro Pro v6.0 LTR Version,Fletro Pro v6.0 AMP Version, Fletro Pro Blogger Template All Bundle then simply go Original Author Website and Enjoy in your life. If you want to know features of Fletro blogger template then you can read below.

Fletro Pro V6.0 Responsive Blogger Template

Fletro Pro v6 Blogger Template is designed with the dashboard UI concept, the template is more recommended to be used on news blogs, a simpler design but has a high readability is a plus point of this template.

The menu display is also made different from other templates, carrying the 3 column concept where the first column is devoted to the navigation menu which can be minimized the width of the navigation.At first glance this template looks like a web app that makes your blog look different from other blogs. This concept is also used by large websites such as Google Adsense, Google Drive and so on.Let's Know more about this template

Fletro Pro V6.0 Responsive Blogger Template Features

Features Test
Layout Version 3
Widget Version 2
Responsive Check
Mobile Friendly Check
Page 404 Check
SEO Friendly True
Related Post True
Box Share True
Author Profile Widget True
Ads Optimizing True
No Encrypted Scripts True
Label Widget True
Banner Ads Widget True
Popular Posts Widget True
Featued Post Widget True
Remove Footer Credits True
Dark Mode True

Median UI Blogger Template is also designed by jagodesain you can check them too and Median UI comes with Median UI Lite Blogger Template,Median UI Blogger Template,Median UI v1.5 Blogger Template,Median UI LTR Template,Median UI 3 column blogger template.Median UI is very good template for you if your are a blogger

Fletro Pro V6.0 Responsive Blogger Template Download

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